CET Smart City Project Pairing Initiative Sends Delegation of U.S. Experts to Singapore

The U.S.-Singapore Critical and Emerging Technology (CET) Dialogue was held in Washington, DC on October 12, 2023. The CET put forth a Smart City Project Pairing Initiative designed to pair U.S. and Singapore cities, districts, and technologies based on common priorities, industries, and characteristics to share experiences, exchange practices, and explore technologies that can advance…

Green Buildings Innovation Program – University Partnership

New!  USASCP is funding the University of North Carolina – Charlotte (UNCC) to partner with ASEAN universities in Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia to train a new generation of architects, urban planners, engineers and construction managers on best practices and technological innovations in the building sector.  The Green Buildings Innovation program will help reduce greenhouse gasses;…

Circular Waste Management IVLP On Demand

The International Visiting Leaders Program (IVLP) on Circular Waste Management partnered with the Center for Liveable Cities and convened 15 ASEAN participants in Singapore and Washington D.C. to participate in a capacity building and site visit program. They learned about circular economy approaches and policies for net-zero municipal waste, e-waste, construction and demolition and more.

Third Country Training Program

The U.S.-Singapore Third Country Training Program (TCTP) is a partnership between the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Department of State which jointly conducts capacity building courses for ASEAN member countries.

Singapore Shoe Waste Recycling Ecosystem

Leading materials science company Dow and national sports agency Sport Singapore partner to establish a permanent waste collection ecosystem to support a circular economy in Singapore. Through this initiative, used shoes are collected to create sports infrastructure including jogging tracks, fitness corners, and playgrounds. The rubber soles of the shoes are ground into rubber granules…

Research and Innovation

Translating Cutting Edge Research Projects to ASEAN Smart Cities. This program supports research that integrates social and technical dimensions, through support for scientists and engineers across a range of disciplines, in order to ensure their innovations shape cities and communities in the most productive and effective means possible.

Business Promotion

Connecting U.S. technology and service providers with ASEAN-based smart city technology and service customers to achieve sustained economic development in the region.

ASEAN Smart Cities: Balancing 5G And Geopolitics

With the ASEAN Smart Cities Network now in its second year, how have ASEAN’s smart city ambitions progressed and how can these hubs be smartened up going forward? How should ASEAN balance the use of 5G amid its geopolitical tensions?

ASEAN Smart Cities Network: A Catalyst for Partnerships

Since its establishment in 2018, the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) has developed into a collaboration platform for city government participation and autonomy. Unlike ASEAN cooperation and partnerships which are generally done at the regional and state level, the ASCN’s new and innovative approach focuses on city level and scalable solutions. ASCN has become a strong basis…

TCTP Workshop on Smart Cities

The Singapore-U.S. Third Country Training Program (TCTP) hosted a Smart Cities workshop on December 2-6, 2019 in Singapore. This five-day course aimed to deliver a comprehensive and interactive training on planning, financing, procurement, standardization, cybersecurity risk, and related topics that are fundamental to the success of smart city development in Southeast Asia.  Furthermore, the workshop demonstrated the…

VP Pence Announces “U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership”

In Singapore, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has offered the Trump administration's support for Southeast Asia's digital and urban infrastructure development. In his remarks at the U.S. ASEAN Summit, Pence announced the new "U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership." "This effort will spur renewed American investment in the region's digital infrastructure, advancing prosperity and security in Southeast Asia," Pence…

Vice President Announces USASCP at 6th ASEAN-U.S. Summit

At the 6th ASEAN-U.S. Summit, Vice President Mike Pence announced a new U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP) that will help municipal governments advance the digital transformation of urban systems and increase U.S.-ASEAN commercial engagement in the digital economy. The United States' initial investment in this program is $10 million.  Vice President Pence: "To facilitate our dialogue, it is…