Economy • 32 results found

ASCN: Thinking Beyond Ceremonial Paradiplomacy

Can ASEAN support the growth of "smart" cities? On November 3, ASEAN conducted its 35th summit in Bangkok, Thailand. One notable point was the acknowledgment of the ASEAN Smart City Network Action Plan. The action plan is the next step of the ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN), where the ASEAN member states have previously agreed on the 32nd…

Can China Outsmart U.S. in Race to Build Smart Cities in SE Asia?

Both committed to regional partnerships but U.S. is struggling to make its mark A year ago, U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence announced that the United States would support a Southeast Asian plan to transform the region's rapidly growing cities into hi-tech hubs. The move would "spur renewed American investment in the region's digital infrastructure", Pence said at the…

KOICA Commits to Coordination with ASCN and USASCP

The 4th Republic of Korea (ROK)-United States Senior Economic Dialogue (SED) was held in Seoul on November 6, with Vice Foreign Minister Lee Taeho and Under Secretary of State Keith Krach leading their respective delegations. Both sides intend to continue their close coordination through the SED to further strengthen bilateral economic ties and enhance their partnership on regional and…

USAID Announces More Than $440 Million for the Indo-Pacific

USAID has dedicated an additional $441 million to expand partnerships with governments, civil society, and the private sector in countries in the Indo-Pacific region in support of activities in energy, infrastructure, digital connectivity, trade, and other economic activities.

U.S. and Japan Announce Joint Development Plans with ASCN

The United States and Japan are working together to advance a shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific. Under the Japan-U.S. Strategic Digital Economy Partnership (JUSDEP), we are committed to realizing a global digital economy environment that is open, interoperable, reliable, and secure. This enabling environment is essential to the development of smart cities in…

Indo-Pacific Business Forum Showcases U.S. Commitment

The Indo-Pacific Business Forum in Bangkok promoted the value of high-standard investment, transparency, rule of law, and private-sector-led economic development. Since July 2018, the Department of Commerce has assisted more than 9,000 U.S. companies to do business in the Indo-Pacific region and facilitated more than $7.65 billion in U.S. exports.

OPIC, DFAT and JBIC Launch Blue Dot Network

The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) today unveiled Blue Dot Network—a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together governments, the private sector, and civil society to promote high-quality, trusted standards for global infrastructure development in an open and inclusive framework. Read Full…

Who Will Pay for ASEAN’s Smart Cities?

At the ASEAN Smart Cities Network Roundtable Meeting in Bangkok in June, Thailand's Digital Economy and Society Minister Pichet Durongkaveroj called for more public-private partnerships and said his country plans to attract non-ASEAN countries for partnerships and investments in smart city infrastructure as part of the ASCN. Among the countries mentioned were Japan, South Korea and China – all…

Southeast Asia open to Huawei over 5G

Southeast Asian countries eyeing the promise of 5G connectivity to boost economic development are sticking to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei among others.  "It becomes necessary for Southeast Asian countries to explore the possibilities offered by 5G for the next generation," said Farlina Said, noting 5G can be conducive for ASEAN to build the Smart Cities Network,…

USASCP Investing $10 Million in the Innovative

Smart cities using data-driven technology to innovate and manage city resources are a key to sustainable development in both the United States and ASEAN. The inaugural USASCP event was held in Washington, D.C. in July with representatives of the 26 pilot cities in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network exchanging views with public and private sector smart city…

Enhancing the Readiness of ASEAN Smart Cities

ERIA, in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Srinidhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), and Chiang Mai Municipality, organized a two-day workshop on ‘Realising Smart Cities’ on 23 and 24 July in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The workshop examined how cities can develop smart city programmes including the costs versus benefits. Read Full ERIA Article

USASCP Launches with Smart Cities Symposium for ASCN

The U.S.-ASEAN Smart City Partnership (USASCP) kicked off July 9 with a welcome at the State Department for 30 representatives from the pilot cities of the ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN). Assistant Secretary of State David Stilwell gave opening remarks, followed by Joy Sinay of the ASEAN Secretariat and Dr. Passakon Prathombutr from Thailand's Digital Economy Promotion Agency.…
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