Vietnam Can Lead ASEAN through the Smart Cities Network Vision

With the COVID-19 pandemic yet to be effectively controlled around the world and has the capacity to recur in the near future, no one knows how much longer would the restarted economies in the bloclast. This situation, in turn, made the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) as reached by the Southeast Asian bloc in April 2018, an ever more important priority for immediate implementation.

USTDA Advances Iskandar Malaysia’s Smart City Priorities

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) announced it will provide grant funding for technical assistance that will transform how Malaysia’s fast-growing Iskandar Malaysia region manages its urban planning and development through advanced data analytics.

Webinar – Realizing ASEAN Smart Cities

A webinar dialogue on Realizing Smart Cities was jointly hosted by the ASEAN Smart Cities Network and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Dr. Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Senior Economist and the Principle Investigator of the ERIA study on Realizing Smart Cities, explained the drivers of Smart Cities, and provided an update on the research findings to date and ways to launch smart cities in ASEAN and beyond.

ASEAN Smart Cities: Balancing 5G And Geopolitics

With the ASEAN Smart Cities Network now in its second year, how have ASEAN’s smart city ambitions progressed and how can these hubs be smartened up going forward? How should ASEAN balance the use of 5G amid its geopolitical tensions?

USASCP presentation to the Technology Association of Oregon

The USASCP in collaboration with the State Department’s Diplomat in Residence addressed the Smart Cities Committee of the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO).  The TAO, comprised of public and private stakeholders, represents the regional tech industry and provides support to entrepreneurs, facilitates connections between peers and decision makers, and promotes the Northwest as a global hub for innovation. …

ASEAN Smart Cities Network: A Catalyst for Partnerships

Since its establishment in 2018, the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) has developed into a collaboration platform for city government participation and autonomy. Unlike ASEAN cooperation and partnerships which are generally done at the regional and state level, the ASCN’s new and innovative approach focuses on city level and scalable solutions. ASCN has become a strong basis…

Joint Statement from ASEAN-U.S. on Countering COVID-19

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States and Vietnam as Co-Chairs of the ASEAN-U.S. High-level Interagency Video Conference to Counter COVID-19 held on April 1, 2020. Read Joint Statement Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus: U.S. and #ASEAN officials met virtually this week to map out the bold action we are taking together…

Can Tho to Become First Smart City in Mekong Delta by 2025

Can Tho, the most populated city in the Mekong Delta region, has achieved outstanding results in developing a project to build a smart city after nearly two years of implementation. Read Full Article From VietnamPlus

USTDA RFP Davao City Public Safety & Security Command Center

The City of Davao invites submission of qualifications and proposal data from interested U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to develop a technical assistance to support the modernization of Davao City Public Safety and Security Command Center and the development of an Intelligent Transportation Management System in the Philippines.…

Worldwide Smart Cities Spending $124bn, Singapore Top Investor

Global spending on smart city initiatives will total $124 billion in 2020 at an increase of 18.9% year over year. IDC has also predicted that Singapore will remain the top investor in smart cities initiatives followed by Tokyo, New York City and London. Read Full Article From Iotnews

ASEAN and Russia to Boost Cooperation on Smart Cities by 2025

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Russia have a chance at boosting cooperation in the next five years with a focus on cybersecurity, counterterrorism and smart cities among other areas, Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi said in an interview with Sputnik. Read Full Article From UrduPoint